Single-Family Residential – includes 1 bag per pickup |
$143 per home |
Multi-Family Residential – includes 1 bag per pickup (Per Unit) |
$143 per unit |
Extra residential tags |
$3.50 per tag per bag |
Commercial, industrial, churches, and all other non-residential classifications and users (including lessors) |
$3.50 per tag per bag |
Early Payment Discount A discount of 10% (ten percent) shall be applied to all residential water charges, if the bill is paid in full by March 1st (or next closest business day if the 1st is a non-working day or statutory holiday).Late Payment Penalty: A penalty of 10% (ten percent) shall be imposed upon the outstanding balance that remains unpaid after March 31st. |
Arrears: All water and garbage charges which remain unpaid on December 31st in any year, shall be transferred to the tax account of the property being provided the service. | |
Please be advised that there is a weight restriction on bags of 22 lbs (10kg). All bags must be securely sealed and in a garbage can with a secure lid to keep animals out. Any damaged bags must be cleaned up by the home owner. Garbage tags are available at the Village Office for $3.50 each if you wish to put out an extra bag. Public Works staff thank you for your cooperation. |
WATER – New Connection |
RESIDENTIAL CONNECTION: Standard three quarter (3/4”) inch connection OR COMMERCIAL CONNECTION: One (1″) inch connection |
$1,200 For the installation of the first 20 meters, measured from the main to the property line, including hook-up to the main and five square meters of asphalt restoration. |
SERVICES EXCEEDING One (1”) inch connection |
$2,000 For hook-up to the main only, PLUS: -The cost of materials, the equipment rental at current Village equipment rates, the cost of labour at current Village labour rates, and the cost of any item listed in sections 2(d) to 2(h) of the Fees & Charges Bylaw Schedule E, plus a 25% administration charge, as may be applicable. |
A deposit my be required prior to the commencement of the work The Village shall not perform service work on a private water service unless the owner or a person acting on behalf of the owner has first signed an authorization as prescribed by the Village. All fees are subject to federal and provincial taxes as required.Please refer to the Fees & Charges Bylaw for additional information. |
Disconnection Charge (Turn Off Charge)
After regular working hours, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays |
$40 $150 |
$80 $300 |
Re-connection Charge (Turn On Charge)
After regular working hours, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays |
$40 $150 |
$80 $300 |
Bulk Water Hydrant Use (Per Day) |
$50 |
Annual Fee For Residents of the Village of Slocan |
Annual Fee For Residents outside the Village (West Side of Slocan River and Arlington Road) | |
-Single-Family Residence (one Family)
-Multi-Unit Residential (two or more units per building) -‘Non-Profit’ Multi-Unit Residential (two or more units per building |
70% of the flat rate 50% of the flat rate |
$1,066 |
COMMERCIAL- (a) General Commercial (b) Business Office (c) Retail/Service Station (d) Cafe (without commercial kitchen/restroom) (e) Restaurant/Cafe (with comm. kitchen) (f) Hotel/Motel (minimum rate – up to 8 rooms) |
– $533 $533 $533 $425 $747 $1,066 |
INSTITUTIONAL- (a) Church/Place of Worship (b) School (c) Fire Hall |
– $38 $4,258 $1,066 |
INDUSTRIAL- (a) Light Industrial (b) Heavy Industrial |
– $803 $4,258 |